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Meet the Team

Sarah Allison, Local Director

Sarah Allison, Local Director

Sarah Allison, Local Director Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I trusted in Jesus as my Saviour at an early age. As a result, I truly believe I was saved from so much hardship, because the Lord was helping me throughout my younger years. I want this for all children, which is why I am passionate about "home missions" through CEF. What is Your Favorite Verse? Psalm 32:8 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? My husband and I teach self defense with police officers and college students.

Carol Franklin

Carol Franklin

Carol Franklin, Office Manager Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? Since retiring I have felt that it is important to give back. I have had a blessed life and have been a Christian since I was a child. CEF's vision of Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day is something I want to support. What is Your Favorite Verse? Jeremiah 29:11 ESV What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I have lived coast to coast and border to border in the US. Ohio, Texas, Illinois, Maryland, California and back to Ohio.

Patti Geckler, Ministry Coordinator

Patti Geckler, Ministry Coordinator

Patti Geckler, Ministry Coordinator for Stark County Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? When I was a young woman, I learned the Gospel. I just wanted to tell it to other people because hell is such a terrible, terrible place. Children need to know the Good News. What is Your Favorite Verse? 1 Thessalonians 5:24 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I love watching missionary documentaries, especially with my two grandsons.

Zoe Gingerich, Ministry Coordinator

Zoe Gingerich, Ministry Coordinator

Zoe Gingerich, Ministry Coordinator for Carroll County Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I feel that God prepared me for this moment through the years of involvement as a Good News Club Team Leader. (Ephesians 2:10) What is Your Favorite Verse? John 15:4 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I have been very excited to learn about keeping bees, and am a member of the Carroll County Bee Club.

Rachel Suntheimer, Ministry Coordinator Stark Co

Rachel Suntheimer, Ministry Coordinator Stark Co

Rachel Suntheimer, Ministry Coordinator Stark Co Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I want my life to impact people, to make a difference, to point people to Christ. At 14 or 15, when CEF and Good News Clubs came into my life, right away I knew it was what I would spend my life for the children in Good News Clubs. What is Your Favorite Verse? Psalm 40:17 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I love to garden, paint, and cook. I also have 8 siblings.

Rick Corder, IT Administrator

Rick Corder, IT Administrator

Rick Corder, IT Administrator Why Do I Feel Called to CEF? I love children and believe they are our greatest future resource and do not wish to miss the opportunity to bring Jesus into their lives. God has given me many gifts over time in my life and now I am privileged to share them with his willing servants, enabling them to further their serving the Lord. What is Your Favorite Verse? John 3:16 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I enjoy my family second to God, and then dogs!

Bruce Zittle, Janitor

Bruce Zittle, Janitor

Bruce Zittle, Janitor Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I have followed your ministry closely & reaching children today in todays world is important. You do such a thorough job! Also the need was listed in the prayer calendar. What is Your Favorite Verse? Galatians 6:9 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I'm a coffee snob.

Nicole Jones, Decorating Coordinator

Nicole Jones, Decorating Coordinator

Why Do You Feel Called to Serve in CEF? I attended CEF as a child. It was one of my favorite Programs growing up. This is an answer my 2 years of prayers to share my talents. What is Your Favorite Verse? Lamentations 3:21-26 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I absolutely Love snow & the Beach!

Mikayla Warner, Summer Coordinator

Mikayla Warner, Summer Coordinator

Mikayla Warner, Summer Coordinator Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I have been doing CEF since 2015, and have loved every minute of it. In the past year I have gotten more involved and have fallen more in love. Then during the summer of 2021, God had really showed me that I love this and that he was calling me to go full time. What is Your Favorite Verse? Proverbs 31:30 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I play about 10 different instruments.

Deborah Fetherston, Graphic Designer

Deborah Fetherston, Graphic Designer

Deborah Fetherston, Graphic Designer Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? Serving the Lord is one of my passions. He gives me purpose, fulfillment, and joy when I serve Him. I love using my graphic design abilities for this ministry. As an artist, I am thankful for the opportunities to create material to reach children for Christ. What is Your Favorite Verse? Proverbs 3:5-6 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I'm pregnant with our first child.

Tammy Fullwiler, Chapter Prayer Coordinator

Tammy Fullwiler, Chapter Prayer Coordinator

Tammy Fullwiler, Chapter Prayer Coordinator Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I believe & know what God truly opened the door for me concerning this position. I had been praying specifically, asking the Lord to open a door of two different directions, & this is the position He chose of the two. Praise the Lord for answering prayer! What is Your Favorite Verse? Revelation 22:20 1 Samuel 12:23 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I like to act like a kid, talk like a kid & get down on their level!

Summer Leadership Team

Summer Leadership Team

Summer Leadership Team, Steve Compston Pam Compston, Rachel Suntheimer, Benita Miller, Brenda Warner, Mikayla Warner Matthew 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

Donna Maxfield, Communications Editor

Donna Maxfield, Communications Editor

Donna Maxfield, Communications Editor Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? Reaching the next generation for Jesus should be our primary goal as believers. CEF is fulfilling that role and I want to be a part of the challenge. I enjoy editing, writing, and proofing, a role linking the staff with supporters and friends. What is Your Favorite Verse? Psalm 96:3 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? God has given me the opportunity to do mission work in18 countries!

Mary Herron, Volunteer Supervisor

Mary Herron, Volunteer Supervisor

Mary Herron, Volunteer Supervisor Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? God brought the opportunity to serve in CEF during the covid pandemic. It was a sad time for me, but the Lord has placed me in a ministry that brings me joy. What is Your Favorite Verse? Philippians 4:11 & 4:13 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I ran two marathons

Pam Cumpston, Festival Coordinator

Pam Cumpston, Festival Coordinator

Pam Cumpston, Festival Coordinator Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I love sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to young people. God has given me the gift of organization and being able to watch them grow. What is Your Favorite Verse? Romans 10:14-15 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I love to cook and bake.

Diane Criswell, Assistant Volunteer Supervisor

Diane Criswell, Assistant Volunteer Supervisor

Diane Criswell, Assistant Volunteer Supervisor Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? Mary and I are trying to fill Nadine Ames shoes! What is Your Favorite Verse? John 8:32 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? Hubby and I rode our bicycles with the Stark County Bicycle Club to Niagra Falls (many many years ago).

Brenda Warner, Resource Coordinator

Brenda Warner, Resource Coordinator

Brenda Warner, Resource Coordinator Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? When I was a child I grew up with my grandmother working with CEF in CA. I loved helping her when I was older. I was excitied when I came to Ohio & found CEF to work in. I enjoy looking for things to help in teaching children about Jesus. What is Your Favorite Verse? Psalms 51:10-12 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I love to crochet.

Lindsay Cass, Grant Writer

Lindsay Cass, Grant Writer

Lindsay Cass, Grant Writer Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I learned to value the power of words at a young age. As I grew into an adult I found I was able to use my words to provide comfort and understanding to the people around me What is Your Favorite Verse? Isaiah 41:10-11 Deuteronomy 31:8 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? #1 bucket list is to give a Tedx Talk - and my largest speaking engagement audience to date was 250 people!

Eudora Halter, Banquet Coordinator

Eudora Halter, Banquet Coordinator

Eudora Halter, Banquet Coordinator Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I became acquainted with CEF in the 1970’s when Miriam Carr was the CEF Director. The ministry of CEF held a special place in my heart. After retiring from 40 yrs. as an Early Childhood Administrator and after I served as a table host at the 2022 Banquet; I knew God was leading. What is Your Favorite Verse? Jude 1:21 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I have thoroughly enjoyed our extensive travels throughout the U.S. and Europe

Jeanne Nicolini, Executive Assistant

Jeanne Nicolini, Executive Assistant

Jeanne Nicolini, Executive Assistant Why Do You Feel Called to CEF? I love what CEF does toreach kids for Christ! I have worked with Sarah for a year, and I see the need for her to have an assistant to help lighten her load. What is Your Favorite Verse? Psalm 121 What is a Fun Fact about Myself? I love to hike to waterfalls and take mission trips.

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